Mobilisering av investeringar för genomförande av #SDGs

I veckan träffas representanter ifrån världens regeringar i New York för ett första möte om implementeringen av FN:s 17 globala hållbarhetsmål (SDGs). För att genomföra målen behövs omfattande investeringar ifrån den privata sektorn i hållbar utveckling. Och för att främja investeringar behöver världens regeringar se över sitt investeringsklimat.

Inför mötet har ICC tidigare publicerat policydokumentet Foreign Direct Investment – Promoting and protecting a key pillar for sustainable development and growth och som ytterligare bidrag lanserar vi idag 8 principer för främjande av investeringar i hållbar utveckling. Läs mer HÄR!


The annual investment gap in sustainable development in developing markets is estimated at US$2.5 trillion annually. Much of this shortfall will need to be filled by private capital and foreign direct investment can play a critical role in enabling implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

1   Create an investment policy climate by adopting a holistic policy environment which nurtures private investment.

2   Protect investment by supporting international investment agreements, which are important tools to protect foreign direct investment (FDI) flows.

3   Include dispute resolution mechanisms in all investment agreements to ensure investors have direct access to effective and independent dispute settlement.

4   Avoid sectoral discriminations in the negotiation of investment treaties which have a direct impact on the inflow of FDI.

5   Devote greater attention to state-owned enterprises which can enjoy a range of preferential benefits and compete with the private sector in investment and trade areas.

6   Refrain from abusing ”national security” provisions in agreements and treaties for protectionist purposes. Such procedures should be applied in a transparent, fair and non-discriminatory manner if they are to be exceptionally used.

7   Avoid forced localization provisions which have negative repercussions on both the investor an on the host country’s attractiveness as an investment destination.

8   Adopt a multilateral framework on investment that would provide a clear set of rules for investors, governments and relevant stakeholders.